Saturday, May 5, 2012

Google Penguin Update vs Google Panda !!

Since the launch of Google’s Penguin Updates and Panda Updates, these two cute animals are no longer cute in webmasters’ circle.

These days website owners, bloggers and webmasters; around the world, are having nightmare about these two otherwise human friendly animals. Many are loosing 1000s of $ every week. Also, some site owners have gained substantially due to major surge in traffic, due to these 2 recent updates.

Penguin Update

On Apr 24, 2012 Penguin Update was launched by Google to fight spammy websites, to make search engine results better for web-surfers. Basically it’s a change in Google’s search engine ranking algorithm to punish/downgrade websites practicing spammy activities like keyword stuffing or cloaking etc. At the same time, sites who are producing content for readers (not for search engines) without spamming Google have gained SE rankings and experiencing more traffic.

Are you hit by Penguin: As of now the update is complete? If you notice a major drop in traffic on and after Apr 24, then you are definitely hit by Google penguin Update. In case you are getting a major bump in traffic after Apr 24, then you are benefited by Penguin.

One thing is clear “somebody’s loss of traffic is somebody else’s gain.”

Panda Update

Google also confirmed that, it also released an update of Panda 3.5 on Apr 19. Google Panda is an algorithm change in Google search Engine to filter “thin or low quality content”, which was launched on Feb 24, 2011. Since the 1st update (Panda 1.0), Google has updated Panda 13 times till Apr 20, 2012 (last version Panda 3.5).

Are you hit by Panda: Again, if your traffic dropped after Apr 19, then most probably you are hit by the Panda, and vice-verse?


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